Monday 20 January 2014

Congo Time

Hi lovely people
We decided to do our blog weekly so we are able to remember all the amazing places we have been and activities we have done. That makes this blog quite simple as we have been in the same area all week and the reason why is because we love it!  Have been staying in Congo Beach for the last 4 nights, this is situated in the Eurobadalla National Park, a massive 7km from our previous campsite. If you love camping, then mark this one down, it is situated on a tidal creek about 100mts from the ocean which has a great rock shelf that appears at low tide. It also has drinking water and real toilets …….. what more do two girls need? 

Spent the first couple of days swimming, looking in rock pools, snoozing and reading. Tash rode into Moruya to peruse the local markets but this required excessive energy as it was an 18km round trip on the bike so I simply snoozed and read some more. Today though we went bushwalking and off road biking along the Bingie Dreaming Track which is all coastal and very beautiful. Now as I write this we are rewarding ourselves with a lovely little Tempranillo as the evening is a tad cool believe it or not. Our other exciting news is about our new camp stove compliments of everyone from the Day Medical Unit at RCH, It has both a burner and a grill plate so now we have char grilled veg (sometimes just char veg – we have yet to perfect it!!) and we love it. Life continues to be great :) 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lyndi and Tash
    It's the Clay's here with Annie, catching up on all your adventures so far.
    Great job on the blog Tash, it looks great !!
    Can't wait to see what you get up to next.
    If you want to check out our blog, you should be able to click through from my name.
    Travel safe xx
    Annie, Dan, Chrisy & Bella
